FTP Accounts in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting packages will allow you to set up numerous FTP accounts with only a few clicks of the mouse from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and to indicate what website files and folders each account can access. There’s no upper limit to the total number of FTP accounts that you’re allowed to create, so you can have as many as you want at any particular moment. In case you do not want to use a certain FTP account anymore or if a web designer has fulfilled their job and you do not want them to access your web content anymore, you can simply remove the account in question. The FTP section of the Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to see all currently existing accounts listed alphabetically, along with different options, which you can access with a single click of the mouse. You’ll be able to modify the access path and the password, to download an auto-configuration file, etc. We also have exhaustive help tutorials, which can help you manage your FTP accounts if you have any difficulty.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You will be able to access your semi-dedicated server account via FTP whatever the semi-dedicated package that you’ve opted for during the order process, since the FTP access is among the standard features that you will be able to take advantage of. All our packages come with an unlimited FTP account allowance, so you will be able to create as many accounts as you want via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel with which you’ll be able to administer your website content as well. All the FTP accounts will be displayed in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and if you do not need a given account anymore, you can simply remove it and stop persons who have used it before from accessing it again. This functionality is particularly useful if you use the services of a developer or in case an IT specialist retires from the firm and you do not want them to access the web files any longer. An extensive Help section that comprises instructional videos will help you manage your FTP accounts in case you do not have any previous experience.
FTP Accounts in VPS
None of the VPS packages that we offer includes a cap on the maximum number of FTP accounts that you can manage at any moment, so you can set up a separate account for each site hosted on the VPS, irrespective of whether it’s under a domain or subdomain. Moreover, it does not matter which Control Panel you will pick when you sign up – DirectAdmin, cPanel or Hepsia, since an FTP server will be set up on your VPS at the time of the installation of any of them. If you want several persons to set up an FTP connection to one and the same directory with their very own set of login details, for example, it will take several mouse clicks to create a separate FTP account for each of them. Deleting an existing account or modifying the folder that it can connect to is just as simple and you will not have to deal with any difficulties, even if you don’t have prior experience in such matters.